Sat Mar 12, 2:00 PM - Sat Mar 12, 4:00 PM

Bakersfield High School (Back Parking Lot off

1241 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93304

Community: Bakersfield


In Bakersfield there are many children and families in need and at risk. They lack the necessities of food, clothing, housing and much more.

Event Details

Pull Up and Pick Up Drive-Thru Events were created during the Covid-19 pandemic to serve children and families from low income communities along with supporting local youth agencies, homeless shelters and individuals serving these communities.

Este evento Pull Up and Pick Up Drive-Thru se crearon durante la pandemia de Covid-19 para servir a niños y familias de comunidades de bajos ingresos junto con el apoyo a agencias juveniles locales, refugios para personas sin hogar e individuos que sirven a estas comunidades.

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